ATC9311 - analog-digital temperature controller

ATC9311 - analog-digital temperature controller

Produktbeskrivning ATC9311 - analog-digital temperature controller: Low-cost analogue/digital temperature controller with ''ON-OFF'' or proportional band switching behaviour (as the set-point temperature is approached, the switched time becomes shorter and shorter in order to keep any overshoot as low as possible). The set-point is adjusted via a rotary dial on a 0 to 400 °C scale. The actual value is shown on a 3- digit 7-segment display. If the sensor circuit is interrupted, the relay will not be actuated.

Lägsta tillgängliga pris
Pris: 845.00 SEK

Övrig produktinformation om ATC9311 - analog-digital temperature controller:

  • EAN-kod: 4016138182019
  • Märke: Suran Enda
  • Del: Styck

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