PID process controller

PID process controller

Produktbeskrivning PID process controller: Freely configurable PID process controller with self-optimisation (Selftune; Autotune) for 2- point, 3-point, constant and stepper motor control. Base version with universal input for thermocouples/PT100 and units signals mV/V/mA, 1 output (normally open contact), incl. RS-232 interface. Scaling, alarm types (retaining function), ramp function adjustable (8 ramp sections). Base device which can be expanded via various smart input/output modules. Slots provided for 2 further modules. Application examples: Motor-driven valve control (2nd output relay required). Measurement input for two/three conductor circuit Pt100 (DIN EN60584) -200 to +600°C and -199.9 to +650 °C respectively, thermocouples (DIN EN60751) to 2300 °C - L, J, K, R, S, T, B, E, N, C), analogue input 0 to 50 mV/5 V/10 V, 0 to (4) 20 mA, accuracy ±0.25 % of scale range or ±0.7 % for analogue input, resolution 0.1 °C and 1 °C respectively. Protection class front side IP 65, rear side IP 20.

Lägsta tillgängliga pris
Pris: 1695.00 SEK

Övrig produktinformation om PID process controller:

  • EAN-kod: 4016138379600
  • Märke: Emko
  • Del: Styck

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