Universal programming module (AC162049)

Universal programming module (AC162049)

Produktbeskrivning Universal programming module (AC162049): This module can be used in conjunction with the ICD2 (part no. 16 51 81) to program 300 to 600-mil PDIP-Flash PICs. It has a 40 pin ZIF socket and a MPLAB ICD2 connector to connect the ICD2 and an indicator display and jumpers to configure the programming. The Universal Programming Module can also be used in combination with the PICSTART-PLUS part no. 16 99 60. This allows the programming of PIC processors which previously could not be programmed using the PICSTART-PLUS due to an unsuitable pin configuration.

Lägsta tillgängliga pris
Pris: 575.00 SEK

Övrig produktinformation om Universal programming module (AC162049):

  • EAN-kod: 2050000053986
  • Märke: Microchip
  • Del: Styck

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