X-Tool Desoldering tool/kit

X-Tool Desoldering tool/kit

Produktbeskrivning X-Tool Desoldering tool/kit: For removing solder from wired components on single-sided, double-sided or multilayer PCBs. High solder removal power (heating-up power 260 W) - ideal temperature/time ratio for avoiding damage to the PCB - even at maximum permanent load. The heat energy stored at the desolder tip, powerful heating elements combined with excellent heat transfer thanks to the tip design and a temperature sensor located extremely close to the solder connection ensure superb performance at all times. Other outstanding features of this high-tech tool include the vacuum which is available at the touch of a button, the ergonomic shape and simple controls, the easy-to-change push-in desolder tips and the simple removal mechanism for left-over solder thanks to the built-in solder collector.

Lägsta tillgängliga pris
Pris: 11950.00 SEK

Övrig produktinformation om X-Tool Desoldering tool/kit:

  • EAN-kod: 4003008060294
  • Märke: Ersa
  • Del: Styck

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