Pluggable graphical dotmatrix LCD module

Pluggable graphical dotmatrix LCD module

Produktbeskrivning Pluggable graphical dotmatrix LCD module: Display with standard controller and integrated pin bar (pitch 2.0 mm or 2.54 mm) for simple and quick mounting. Thanks to this new construction method, screws, pin strips and cables are no longer required: just solder up. The available space has been optimized as there is no longer a need to have a board protruding from the display. In terms of readability and view angle this device is 1st class. For that reason, it is just right for installation in mobile devices.

Lägsta tillgängliga pris
Pris: 705.00 SEK

Övrig produktinformation om Pluggable graphical dotmatrix LCD module:

  • EAN-kod: 2050000064371
  • Märke:
  • Del: Styck

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